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Your Cake

Please read the guidance below before you pick up any cake product from Cake Celebrations

Handling your cake:


  • Please carry the cake from the bottom of the box.  Your cake is on a hard cake board and is designed to be picked up underneath with both hands.


  • DO NOT try to carry the cake by the sides of the box - this will damage the cake.


  • DO NOT tilt the box when carrying the cake - especially if your cake is more than one tier.



Transporting your cake:


  • Before you arrive to pick up your cake we would suggest you pop your Air Conditioning on to cool your car ready for the cake.


  • Please make sure you place your cake on a flat surface when transporting the cake in your vehicle.  The best place is your car boot.


  • We would suggest you don't leave the cake in your car when the weather is warm.


  • When driving please REMEMBER you have a cake in your boot - go EVEN slower around corners and over bumps.  Even though our cakes are well structured, we hold no responsibility for any damage to the cake once the cake has been picked up.



Storing your cake:


  • Your Cake will need to be stored in a fridge if it is buttercream until you are ready to set up and have it on display.


  • Your Cake will need to be stored in the transportation box in a cool, moisture free, location if it is fondant iced until you are ready to set up and have it on display.



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